
Sharing starts with adding some data to the tenfingers system, and then create a link that you can distribute.

Someone else that now has your link, can download the data.

You can then update the data, and the user can download the new data.

The examples are for Linux, for windows it is almost the same, see below.

Sharing a file or a folder

Share the file, for example image.jpg

python3 -i my_stuff_to_share ./ image.jpg

my_stuff_to_share is the name of the data shared, it is used to extract the link files, update the data and so on. It is just an example and you can share many many different things under different names.

To check out what you have already shared:

python3 -l

Note: the names ending with _tr and _sub are the translation and substitution files, they are internal files so don't touch them!

Note: The number of 'fingers' is how many times your data is shared by other tenfinger nodes.

To share a folder, say ./images/ just add -f

python3 -i -f my_stuff_to_share ./ images

If you only want to share .jpg files, you can add a regex:

python3 -i -f my_stuff_to_share ./ images .\.jpg

Get the link so that you can share it with someone:

python3 -c my_stuff_to_share

Now you should have three files, the link files:




Those together will allow anyone to download the latest shared images (or what ever you share).

Updating data

To update the data you are sharing, you just use the same syntax as creating it, so say you do not longer want to share 'image.jpg' but image2.jpg you can update the my_stuff_to_share link like this:

python3 -i my_stuff_to_share ./ another_image.jpg

If you changed the image.jpg itself, say it's an art in progress, just reuse the exact same syntax as when you shared it the first time:

python3 -i my_stuff_to_share ./ image.jpg

You can of course freely decide to share a folder or any other data instead!

Note: Sharing and updates sometimes takes some time.

So you just got my_stuff_to_share.10f from a friend or foe, to check it out just:

python3 my_stuff_to_share.10f

and it will be downloaded.


There is an inbuilt help that you can use like this:

python3 -h

And if you want some help with a specific command, like inserting for example ( -i )

python3 -h -i

will give you some pointers.